
“Beneficiary consultation is… a critical component of emergency shelter assistance.”

South Asia Earthquake 2005: Learning from previous earthquake relief operations (first paper) (2005)


“Sources do agree… that meaningful beneficiary consultation/participation is essential if targeting is to take place.”

Tsunami Emergency: lessons from previous natural disasters (2005)


“Community participation is essential to ensure appropriate site selection, design, sustained management and maintenance of water infrastructure, in addition to determining meaningful complementary health and sanitation activities.”

Slow-Onset Disasters: Drought and food and livelihoods insecurity (2007)

Early recovery

“Good communication and community outreach by local authorities and community organisations in the post-disaster setting are critical to maintaining a stable environment and enabling progress in relief and recovery.”

Learning from Urban Disasters: Learning from previous response and recovery operations (2009)


“Beneficiaries, particularly women, need to be consulted on their preference for cash versus in-kind distributions, and for their advice on the most safe and effective ways of transfer.”

Humanitarian action in drought-related emergencies (2011)


“In order to implement protection programs in violent urban settings, it is important for humanitarian workers to build trust with the different actors and communities involved...”

Humanitarian interventions in settings of urban violence (2014)


“The response should make sure that all gender groups are equally heard and involved in all aspects of the response, including decision-making.”

Responding to Ebola epidemics (2020)

Disaster risk reduction

“Humanitarian actors should listen to affected people and communities, recognise the importance of their anticipatory capacity and champion further research on how traditional knowledge can inform us about risks and potential disasters.”

Adapting humanitarian action to the effects of climate change (2021)